FRANCE // 2020
For ten years, I've pretended to make a movie out of my grandfather's Algerian war souvenirs. Today, I'm not sure I want to hear what he has to say.
Reflective Encounters
“A rich use of materials and diverse styles that change and mature through this film, along with the central figure who, over time, develops a greater understanding around the complexity of telling stories that are not our own. A desire to learn more about his grandfather’s time in the Algerian war turns into a long and difficult ethical dilemma, between wanting answers to questions and potentially destroying the image he has of his ageing relative, both for himself and the rest of his family. The film looks at the ongoing internal conflict and ethical debates filmmakers must contend with when seeking to commemorate, understand and, to some extent, fetishise true stories, especially when the connection is so close to home.
How do we deal with our families’ stories, their inherited ghosts and skeletons? Although their lives are part of our own ancestral history and thus also make up a part of us, they are also similarily not always ours to tell. The film demonstrates the complexities of morality, loyalty and pride that artists are faced with when delving into sensitive subjects - or, indeed, the family vault - for ideas that, although interesting and worthy of examination, may levy unwelcome truths and uncovered trauma. When someone is gone, so are their untold stories - but perhaps that is their final wish.”
— Laura-Beth Cowley