BELGIUM // 2020
Debbie, a young woman, struggles with the feeling of being disconnected from the people around her. Until she meets Sofie with whom she bonds (too) strongly.
Reflective Encounters
“Besides providing a welcome definition to a fancy word that can be dropped at dinner parties, Monachopsis is a wonderful example of using formal quirks to convey meaning. The overlay of purposeful defects on each frame is very Stan Brakhage-esque, giving an ominous tone. Digital glitch effects are very much in vogue at the moment, so a return to these analogue forms of visual decay is refreshing, even when achieved with a computer. Further layers are added to the visuals of the film: backdrops consisting of live-action photos and people are highlighted over into faceless squiggles.
All this mixing of disparate media, when coupled with an aggressive soundscape of noise, effectively conveys the protagonist’s disconnect from her surroundings, and the distress that it causes her. It’s an overwhelming atmosphere, which makes the possibility of connection so tantalising, so precious. There’s a uniquely feverish relationship to hope in the film, when the main character meets someone they can connect to, leading to a mounting sense of vulnerability in the second half that draws the viewer in and holds their emotions to ransom. ”
— Cathy Brennan