GERMANY // 2022

A mythical deity transforms from a zoomorphic figure into an anthropomorphic one and lands in an age of scientific progress.

Reflective Encounters

“A mix of photo collage and hand-drawn character animation that alternates between stylistically simplistic and elaborately detailed characterises Maria Steinmetz’s Chthonios. The filmmaker’s design sensibilities sometimes seem to draw upon Greek amphora artwork, though with an altogether more understated approach to colour theory. While the title denotes a number of characters and stories in Greek mythology, the film doesn’t appear to be a direct adaptation of any existing tale as much as its own unique parable that’s open to interpretation, combining imagery from different cultures alongside fleeting biblical references.

Although dryly executed for the most part, the film is occasionally playful in its depiction of the events as they unfold; a woman enchants – or is enchanted by – a snake, setting in motion a series of bestial metamorphoses that each come to harm before their next transmutation. In this deity’s final moments, it briefly seems as though perfection has been achieved before its final grim fate is unveiled. Steinmetz concludes the film in a manner that catches the audience somewhat off-guard, introducing satirical elements from the modern, technical age in stark contrast to the historical visuals that preceded them.”

— Ben Mitchell