After losing his fiancée and his good looks in a freak accident, Clyde must confront his inner demon.

Reflective Encounters

“A beautiful view, a sparkling engagement ring, the girl of your dreams and a demonic gnome - what could go wrong? When protagonist Clyde suffers a traumatic experience, he struggles to come to terms with his new appearance and the loss of his fiancé. When the monstrous imp threatens to destroy Clyde's newfound happiness once again, he must take drastic action to tackle his inner demons or allow them to envelop him once and for all. 

At its core, Amok tells a story of lost and restored love for oneself, found through the care and acceptance of another person. It tells of how past events, including those in childhood, can have a profound effect on our understanding of love and our ability to negotiate the complexity of adult relationships. Weaving a bold style with impactful, high-energy movement into a story laden with dark physiological drama and emotional self-reflection is no easy feat, but it is handled with real skill here and it’s clear to see why such a well-crafted film is gaining considerable traction on the festival circuit. The acidic colour pallet and pumping original soundtrack creates a distinct identity, leaving a long-lasting impression on the viewer with a story that injects introspection with pathos and humour.”

— Laura-Beth Cowley