Factory worker Beryl is totally obsessed with drawing. Apart from husband Ifor, Beryl's model & muse, the whole family's addicted to something - son Colin is a technical geek & sister Beverly's a narcissistic taxidermist. Obsession is in the DNA.
Reflective Encounters
“Affairs of the Art represents the latest, possible final venture for Quinn’s bodacious alter ego Beryl. Having first burst onto screens back in 1988’s Girls Night Out, her loud and proud personality has kept her going ever since. The quick wit of this unlikely heroine has paved the way for stories full of introspection, strikingly honest portrayals of womanhood and windows into family peculiarities. Paired with Quinn’s flair for capturing movement with the ferocity of her distinctive drawn line style, Affairs of the Art is a brilliant insight into passion and obsession.
Animators are, after all, an obsessive lot, willing to dedicate their days and lives huddled over lightboxes, sitting in darkened rooms, investing long hours perfecting repetitive action in the pursuit of pure illusion; this film alone took almost 10 years from conception to screen. Affairs of the Art reflects with grace on the elusive desire to follow one’s passion to the point of obsession amongst the many other factors that make up life – such as being a woman, a sister, a mother, a wife and an artist. In contrast to the director’s own life and success with the pencil, Affairs of the Art shows an alternative world through Beryl, one in which her dreams never came to fruition, loaded with self-effacing humour that has become a trademark of Quinn and creative partner/writer Les Mills. A poetic, sumptuous exploration of giving yourself over to the truest form of self-expression.”
— Laura-Beth Cowley
Filmmaker Q&A
A Q&A with filmmakers from the It's a Family Affair programme at Encounters Film Festival 2021.
Filmmakers - Joanna Quinn & Les Mills (Affairs of the Art) and Dina Velikovskaya (Ties)
Hosted by Kieran Argo, Animation Programmer.
Director’s Statement
I am an observer of people and love making films with strong female protagonists who are larger than life and battling against adversity - all hand drawn and made with compassion and humour. I love to make audiences laugh.
Affairs of the Art is our fourth animated film starring working class heroine Beryl, who consistently surprises and subverts the audience's preconceptions of what an ordinary plump, middle aged woman should be.
The film took many years to make is a labour of love, for myself and collaborator writer/producer Les Mills.
Filmmaker Bio
British animation director Joanna Quinn is a highly acclaimed and major figure in World Animation. She is renowned internationally for her unique drawing skills, wonderful characterisations and her humour.
Joanna’s films and commercials have won many awards including 4 BAFTA’s, 3 EMMY’s and 2 OSCAR® nominations. She has received Honorary Fellowships and Doctorates at four UK Universities including the Royal College of Art in London and was awarded the International Animation Laureate for 2014.
Joanna and Les Mills’ new film AFFAIRS of the ART was released in January 2021.